What's on the Hob?
As you can probably imagine, this site is heaving under the strain of millions of people checking several times a days to see what new content there is. I can barely move for the number of emails I get each minute asking me what I'm working on, and when I am going to post some updates.
Well I have decided to buy myself some time by dropping a few morsels for the mob that's baying at the figurative kitchen door.
Or in other, slightly clearer, words, I am going to give some details on what I've got in the pipeline.
Mostly my hope is that be committing things in writing it will spur me on to actually write (or finish writing) up the various projects I have lying around.
On the go
These are the things I have on the go, in various stages of development / writing up. Hopefully bits and pieces of this should trickle out in the next couple of months or so, but depends on free time / energy.
- Sussex Tarot — a traditional-style tarot game for four. I have a set of rules I'm fairly happy with, and have mostly written up a page. Just need to fill a little more detail and edit.
- Scalade — my 'quick' design idea, which is a trick-taker for three that has elements of Stops games infused.
- A new version of Auction Calypso. Various rule changes, focussing now on the four-player partnership game. A few things that aren't fully settled, but nearly there.
- I've started fiddling loosely with a new version of Kaiso, and a whistier spin-off game for two. Both of these require a lot more work / development.
- I've got a half-written blog post about a 'pointless' game of Havilering.
There are various other things at very early stages that aren't worth mentioning, although there is always the chance that my enthusiasm suddenly gets captured by one of these, leading it to leapfrog things much further along. As you might have guessed, some of that has happened in the cases above.
Keep watching this space! I will endeavour to try and get something else done before the end of the month, perhaps even with an accompanying blog post. But I wouldn't hold your breath entirely.