Newhaven Swing Bridge

Bridge is not just an excellent card game, but it is also the name of a thing for getting across things.

If you mix up the two, expect high levels of farce to ensue.

Here are some things you might use one to get across:

If you want to know more about bridges in general, you'll probably need to hunt elsewhere I'm afraid. Maybe the wikipedia page on bridges would be a good place to start.

If you've made it this far on the page, you are probably keen to get your grubby little mitts on some Newhaven swing bridge facts. I'm afraid there is not loads available for you here, but for now, enjoy this chart showing the distribution of opening times.

Data is approximate - some haven't been correctly processed yet (sorry!). When I have got round to sorting it out properly I will make the source dataset available here, so that you can get your hands as dirty as mine are.